Bettina Dade is born


Finly Dade is born


Early Autumn, Sean Date is starting at The Royal Theatre at Kingston.


Early Summer, Sean Date graduates at The Royal Theatre at Kingston.


Lady Rebecca of Malbourgh marries Sean Dade, and he is appointed castle keeper at Malbourgh castle.


Bettina Dade starts at The Royal Theatre at Kingstone to study at the ballet at Shuan Riche


Finly Dade Starts at The Royal Theather studying at the conservatory at (?)


Bettina Dade finishes at The Royal Theatre at Kingstone studying ballet at Shuan Riche


Bettina Dade marries Niel Hauck.


Jay Hauck is born.

Finly Dade finishs at The Royal Theather studying at the conservatory at (?)


Finly Dade Starts working at The Crowned Lion at Malbourgh Town.



Lady Rebecca Sean gives birth to Angelica Dade.


Lady Rebecca Sean gives birth to Tim Dade.



Early Summer, Sean Dade makes Rebecca Dade pregnant.


Early Spring, Rebecca Dade gives birth to Holly Dade.

Midsummer, At the dungeon of Malbourgh Castle, Constance Belley are meeting har aunt, Lady Rebecca Dade, who is breatfeeding her newly born child, Holly.

Constance Belley tells, Sir Gareth of Lewinton had arrested his bodyguard, Ricco Hill, for adultery and theft, and she likes Sean and Lady Rebecca Dade to keep Ricco Hill at the dungeon under the weddings until he can determine a final penalty, when he returns to Lewinton Shire after the wedding.

Lady Rebecca Dade thinks, adultery is a serious offence, and her husband, Sean Dade, places Ricco Hill in the dungeon, though his wife just has given birth and everybody is busy arranging the weddings of his nephews, Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh.

Sean Dade gets hold on his warden, Doug Wood, and tells him, that Sir Gareth of Lewinston had delivered a prisoner, who shall be at the dungeon the weddings over, and he has to come as warden.

Niel Hauck has organized the tables for The Midsummer Concert.

Niel Hauck makes a large table for the groomes, Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh. Joining them, they get their sister, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, their cousin Sean Dade, who has comed to see the show, and their other cousin, Sir Gareth of Lewinton, and their Guards, Slim Bellerby, Conrad and Silas Combler.

The table will be served bye the Servants of the castle, Moira Liebermann, Kari Bellerby, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood.

Kari Bellerby is serving Sean Dade some wine, and asks him, if Doug Wood is coming tonight, too?

Sean Dade explains, he likes to see the performance of his brother and sister, Finly Dade and Bettina Huack, and Lady Rebecca of Malbourgh, and that she, Angelica and Tim are waitning for him. Doug Wood is guarding over Ricco Hill at the dungeon, and will not be here tonight.

Kari Bellerby explains, her source needs soon to be stuffed, and that she needs his tube to fix it.

Sean Dade promises her, he'll put Ricco Hill at the oblivion, so they all can come at the wedding.

After supper, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden enters the stage, and start play music.

Sean Dade askes Kari Bellerby, if she wants to dance? Kari likes to dance, and goes to the dance floor with him.

Bettina Hauck annonces a small break in the show, and the audience returns to their seats.

At the break, Kari Bellerby pours some more wine for Sean Dade as the maid.

Sean Dade likes to sit and watch the dancing show, before he goes home to Lady Rebecca, but promises Kari to send Doug Wood home to her, so she can be serviced, before the weddings.

Then Kari Bellerby continues to Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, who tries to seduce the brother of Kari, Slim Bellerby.

On the morning of the birthday of Doug Wood Sean Dade congratulates Doug Wood, but reminds him to place Ricco Hill at the obliviate of the castle, before his starts making fun with Kari Bellerby.

Kari Bellerby helps Doug Wood place the discontented Ricco Hill at the obliviate, before she allurently takes him to her accommodation at the castle.

In the evening of the weddings, Sir Patrick, Lady Cathry of Malbourg, their sons and groomes, Sir Leon and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at the reception hall of the castle along with the rest for the family: their daughter Lady Valerie of Malbourgh with her boyfriend, Pete Barta, and her bodygaurd Doug Wood.

Dungeon Master Sean and Lady Rebecca Dade, with their children, Angelica, Tim and Holly and Captain Hamish and Syreeta Bellerby and their son lieutenant Slim Bellerby, while their daughter, Kari Bellerby, is supposed to join them later as a servant for Sir Benjamin and their nephew, Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

They are entering the table of the groomes, served by Roger Hauck. Nexto it Niel Hauck has placed:

Table of the brides:

Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud, their nephew Sir Peter of Turain with his girlfriend and guard, Hayley Mayson and the brides Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha of Turain, with their bodygaurds Ruddy Locky, Sills Mayson with his girlfriend, Jenis Baker, who also is their pharmacist.

Served by Niel Hauck

Table of Guttric:

Sir Geoge Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern.

Served by Charles Riggs

Table of Wondon

Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon with their children, Lady Stefanie with her boyfriend and bodygaurd, David Smith, their child Sophie, and Sir Thomas of Wondon.

Served by Amie Hauck and her granson, Jay Hauck.

While they all are eaten, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden are playing for the wedding guests.

After the have eaten, Eileen Twinley performs a dance, before Sir Patrick of Malbourgh performing the marriage ceremonies.

After, Sir Patrick of Malbourgh has married Lady Maritha of Turain to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, and she has becomed Lady Maritha Malbourgh, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden play music again, and they're dancing their wedding dance together, while the audience are watching.

When Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha Malbourgh have finised dancing, Sir Patrick of Malbourgh marriage Sir Leonard of Malbourgh to Lady Samantha of Turain, who then becomes Lady of Malbourgh.

Then Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden begin playing again, and Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh are dancing together before the audience.

After the weddings Eileen Twinley is performing a dance again for the weeding couples, before giving the dance floor free, and asks Sir Gareth of Lewinton to dance with her, while Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden keeps playing.

Early Autumn, at The Crowned Lion, Then, Finly and Sean Dade arrives and they starts to performe with Bettina Hauck.

Pete Barta starts dancing with Janet Miller, Lady Valerie dances with Slim Bellerby, Conrad Combler dances with Kari Bellerby and Edward Lieberman and Etta Combler get ingaged in a strange cuddlely dance with Edward Lieberman and Chantelle Wood dances with Charles Riggs.

Maxie Barta starts dancing with Silas Combler, but when an intoxicated Kari Bellerby see it, she smacks Maxie Barta, and accuses her of trying to steal all of her boyfriends.

Maxie Barta gets mad and complains, it was Kari Combler, who have stolen Silas Combler from her and then they starts fighting.

Silas Combler snags Kari Bellerby to hold her tight and Conrad Combler snags Maxie Barta and holds her tight, too, in order to to seperate them.




Late Autumn, On request from Moira Twinley, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lewinston agrees to release Edward Liebermann, since his sister have asked for it many times.

Sean Dade tells Sir Benjamin, Rosalie Chaney is carring his child, and she's du to give birth at Christmas. He likes to release Rosalie Chaney with Edward Lieberman.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh marries Edward and Rosalie Chaney and releases them.